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eTree: A Browse and Query Interface for Online Communities


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Portkey eTree

Jun Zhang and
Alison Lee

We use a life-like tree ecosystem metaphor to represent the people, activities and artifacts created by members of an online community. The resulting system, eTree, provides a social visualization and query interface to help end users browse, navigate, participate and learn about the participants in an online community. eTree was implemented for an online community. It provides a browsing tool to various information located on the communitys online space and a tool that supported real-time social interaction. The system provides easy access to social and content information that can help to foster online social interaction and enable users to use the information to develop their social network in the online community.

To Be Presented as a Poster at: IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2002 (InfoVis 2002): October 28-29, 2002.


Last Modified on October 21, 2002 —   Alison Lee.